A gross of things is 144, and the RAF is the proud gathering of well over a “gross” of Key Volunteers – 147 as of now – plus many more dedicated work party and event volunteers who have devoted hours of effort. We think being this much over gross is a very good thing.
For our February 2024 “Featured Supporter” we’re actually sharing this virtual Valentine with our growing team of invaluable Volunteers.
As of now, the RAF officially has 51 State Liaisons, 56 Ambassadors, 17 VPs of Appreciation, 14 Support Volunteers, and nine Directors. Many of these folks have been committed to the RAF since the beginning, over 20 years ago. It’s impossible to tally up the huge number of hours they have invested to ensure RAF efforts are worthwhile, safe, and enduring.
As a gesture of our appreciation, we engrave their names on tribute tiles that you can view beneath the Brown Arch at the EAA Airventure campus. A very generous donor provided an array of 100 tiles to honor the RAF spirit of volunteerism.
We are enormously proud of each of these folks who spend their time, talents, and treasure to carry out the RAF mission to preserve, improve, and create airstrips for recreational access.
Your RAF is in very good hands – grossly good hands you could say!

Submitted February 5, 2024
By Carmine Mowbray
Well, Carmine, you found an old picture .
See lower right.