Team RAF winged its way to the Wingnuts Flying Circus in Tarkio, Missouri. This event is co-hosted by U.S. Congressman Sam Graves and his lifelong friend Brooks Hurst. RAF Vice President, Dan Prill and President, John McKenna attended along with AOPA’s Craig Fuller, Peter Bunce of GAMA, Ed Bolen of NBAA, and Rod Hightower of EAA. Having the opportunity to spend time with these industry leaders is beneficial to the Recreational Aviation Foundation. We gain valuable insight into the issues facing our shared flying activities. In addition to learning what concerns them and their organizations, they have taken the time to get to know us and ask what they can do to help our efforts.

Of course it was not all work for us, in fact very little of it is. When you get the opportunity to talk flying for nearly 4 days straight I suspect that most of you would agree that is not the worst thing that one can do. Back in Tarkio we got to meet lots of new people including many of the folks that live in the local area. That was the real benefit of the trip.
Submitted on July 13, 2011.